In addition to MOVE Studios Pilates studio in Denver, we want to introduce our sister business: Ingenious Moves, LLC. Our Ingenious Moves products are meant to improve your movement experiences to decrease pain, and increase comfort and tissue resilience. As CoreAlign® Instructors in Denver, we always seem to have a client that doesn't reach the ladder rungs at the perfect level for their height. Until now, people have had to settle for bars that are several inches above or below their shoulder height, impacting their ability to connect with the ladder during upright and forward-leaning exercises. Our new Tweener™ Bars create a perfect fit for any person's height on Balanced Body’s CoreAlign® by quickly and easily adding a rung between any two rungs on the CoreAlign® ladder. And the Tweener™ Bar PLUS adds variable resistance by offering hooks to mount a Balance Body MOTR arm onto your ladder.

With our new Tweener™ Bars, everyone can have a rung at the perfect height for them. The hand-finished bar can be stored at the top of the CoreAlign® ladder to be used and easily moved to the best location for each client to connect to the bar at any angle. For Pilates studios offering CoreAlign®, this creates a more efficient and effective workout for every customer with the proper Core-to-Distal connection through the shoulder joint. Our Tweener™ Bars for CoreAlign® mean no compromise and no strain on a shoulder at any height.

We'll be launching the product in late October 2019, and selling them on the website, so stay tuned!
CoreAlign® and MOTR® are registered trademarks of Balanced Body Inc. Tweener™ Bar and Tweener™ Bar Plus are not sponsored or endorsed by Balance Body Inc.